A professional SEO company views vertical search very seriously and so should you. A vertical search engine is one that allows users to search from across different media. For example, Google is a vertical search engine – it allows users to search text, images and videos. It further allows searchers to search from news, blogs, maps, videos, shops, books, and more. Professional SEO companies completely exploit the opportunities available and this is how they do it.

Note that though the following tactics are Google-specific, they can work for other vertical search engines like Yahoo or Bing:

1. Use alt tags (i.e., tagging an image with a keyword-rich title and description). Search engines cannot read images but they can sure read their tags, and so your website can be easily found when your images are tagged efficiently. However, note that most folks who search for images want to download these images for free. So, you must include a copyright notice or place a watermark on your images.

2. YouTube can be exploited very well. You’d have noticed that Google Results’ Page # 1 carries a few videos that can be played right there on the results page. This presents a very big opportunity for professional search engine companies who create meaningful videos, use high-paying keywords in their title and tags, and then let these loose on YouTube. A well-made and helpful video that is accurately described can propel your website to Google’s search results’ page # 1, even if your website ranks low.

3. Google Maps and Google Places are becoming very popular as well. GPS programs are fast catching on and search is becoming more focused. Professional SEO companies register your website on Google Places and Google Maps thereby enabling your business to be found very easily. Check your business on Google Maps to see for yourself – if it is registered, it will show up as a rounded exclamation mark on a map. So, when your business is registered with these Google sites, and assuming the right keywords are used, your site and place of business can be discovered quite easily.

4. Here’s one killer secret right out of the mouth of a top professional SEO company: Upload your product list on Google so that your products can be found easily when people use Google Shopping search. Such listings will help you fuel your ecommerce engine.

These were a few top vertical search secrets right out the mouths of CEOs of top professional SEO companies. There are many more secret tips and strategies adopted by these SEO companies and learning all these strategies is just not possible unless you are in the SEO practice yourself. Moreover, a professional SEO company keeps up-to-speed with search engine algorithm changes. So, if you own a website, know that it is not sufficient to just list your website with a couple of search engine. There’s more to SEO and what you read above merely scratched the surface.

So, go right ahead and get yourself a professional SEO company that can skyrocket your website rank. Good luck.

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